
Per a 2013 PriceWaterhouseCoopers report entitled Experience Radar 2013: Lessons from the US Software Industry, 85% of respondents want their issues fixed within 24 hours. I’ve been working with a number of vendors lately who have very significant tails of open issues, reaching into weeks and months (and, for some, cases past their first-year anniversaries!) Surely customers who use very-complex software make an allowance for that 24-hour mark — but measuring the percentage of cases who do get resolved under this simple customer satisfaction milestone would be a good start, what do you say?

(Further down in the report 30% of respondents want to be notified proactively of bugs. Yet another task on our list.)



2 Comments on “85%

  1. I used to be a part of the Nortel support team and one of the metrics was 48hr Resolution and the target was 60% across Business Critical, Majors and Minors. This was a goal for all the teams, including engineering.

    What i noticed was some of the issues was definitely resolved in the time frame and reasonably so, however we also noticed that people began gaming the system and blaming the group receiving it first for not escalating quick enough… In hind sight, it was probably a good target to achieve, however implementing this in the right spirit across different groups is probably the biggest challenge.

  2. Francoise, I always enjoy reading your newsletters and often forward them to others I know who could use your services. Your article this month about “85% of respondents want their issues fixed within 24 hours” plays directly into what our solution (ISOdx) offers – exponentially faster resolution – by rapidly isolating “what changed”. As you may know, according to Gartner, 87% of tech issues are related to a change being made. Our technology can identify what changed down to the character level. For these types of issues where something changed and an issue is now occurring – whether it be a change in your products or most probably your customer changed something in their ecosystem that is causing an issue with the use of your product , why not leverage technology to solve technology issues for faster resolution?