The FT Word – September 2015

The FT Word

The FT Word is a free monthly newsletter with support management tips. To subscribe, click here. The subscription list is absolutely confidential; we never sell, rent, or give information about our subscribers.


to the September 2015 edition of the FT Word (just a few days late, but if you regularly read the blog you did not miss anything!). Topics for this month:

FT Works in the News

Upcoming Webinar on Onboarding. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 20th at 11am PST. I will be interviewed by Al Hahn, President of the Association of Support Professionals, about techniques for onboarding customers. Please email me if you’d like a reminder on how to register for the program.

The Art of Support, Second Edition  went out to reviewers early this month. After months of wrestling with the text I am so happy to have reached this milestone! I expect a ton of suggestions from the review team, and I have yet to create a slew of graphics and checklists, but that is real progress. Two questions for you:

  • What checklists would you particularly want to see in the new edition? I have plans for many, including a case quality audit checklist, an outsourcing checklist, and a metrics checklist, but please vote for your favorites. Thank you!
  • If you are currently working for a SaaS vendor or a hardware vendor and want an early peak at the book, consider joining the review team. We’d love to have you. [9/28: the review team is now complete. thank you]


Curious about something? Send me your suggestions for topics — or add one in the comments — and your name will appear in future newsletters.

Françoise Tourniaire
FT Works
650 559 9826

About FT Works

FT Works helps technology companies create and improve their support operations. Areas of expertise include designing support offerings, creating hiring plans to recruit the right people quickly, training support staff to deliver effective support, defining and implementing support processes, selecting support tools, designing effective metrics, and support center audits. See more details at

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