Roles, Responsibilities, and Metrics for Customer Success

I have been invited to present at the upcoming ASP conference in Dallas, TX on March 24th. The theme of the conference is Customer Success + Support: A Powerful Partnership and features thought leaders and practitioners (yay!).

My presentation, Roles, Responsibilities & Metrics, is scheduled for the morning of 3/24 and here’s the description for it:

As Customer Success matures as a discipline, best practices are emerging and help us answer many questions you may have for your own team:

    • Where should the Customer Success team report?
    • Should we separate onboarding and retention duties?
    • How do I make sure that my CSMs are not just escalation managers, under a different title?
    • How many accounts can a CSM handle?
    • Should we invest in Customer Success technical experts?
    • How can we work positively with the support managers?
    • How do we work with Engineering?
    • How exactly should I calculate churn?
    • Do I compensate the team based on retention metrics alone?

Hope you can join me! You can find registration information here.