New workshops & a better way to select the training you want
After 15+ years, the FT Works training portfolio is vast but many choices make for a complicated decision process — so I’m happy to introduce a simpler FT Works training portfolio that’s easier to navigate and at the same time extends our most popular workshop, the Technical Support Skills workshop with a refresher and an advanced course.
Pick your job role and see your options. The workshops are organized in three categories, by role: workshops for support engineers and analysts, workshops for managers, and workshops for account managers and Customer Success Managers.
Match the title to the outcome. All workshops have action-oriented names that describe the skills they develop. For instance, Managing Customers for managing customer interactions, Marketing Support for defining, pricing, and selling support offerings, Managing Knowledge with KCS for creating and maintaining knowledge.
Enjoy more options for learning about managing customer interactions. Hundreds of individuals around the world have attended our Tech Support Skills workshop, now renamed Managing Customers, and I’ve gotten many requests for options to reinforce and deepen the experience. So we are adding two, field-tested and ready to benefit your team:
- One is a series of structured monthly refreshers with hands-on role plays and discussions to reinforce the concepts presented in the initial workshop and apply them to more complex situations such as escalations.
- The other is a new, advanced workshop, Managing Promises, that focuses on making strong promises and getting others to do the same, whether customers or colleagues.
Please contact me to discuss your training needs or explore on your own. We’d love to work with your team — worldwide.